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Earth Day Errands

Earth Day Errands

Posted by Jenny Nguyen on Apr 20th 2023

Happy Earth Day, everyone! We are celebrating this holiday by shopping sustainably at Once Upon A Child. First, I gathered our outgrown items into bags. I used some shopping bags I had lying around, but you can use plastic storage boxes; they will return them to you. Next, I planned a time for us to go. I typically go on a weekday morning because I like shopping when the store is not too busy, and I also like to feel like I’m getting first picks. This time around, we went on a Friday afternoon because I wanted to bring both kids and my husband.


As always, we were greeted by a plethora of kids' clothing, shoes, toys and baby gear. Like every kid, my son ran straight to the toy section. If you’ve never sold at Once Upon A Child, the first thing you need to do is check in at the kiosk. They will give you an approximate wait time and ticket. Select the text notification option to know exactly when it will be ready. I always shop while I wait, and if I ever finish shopping before the purchase is complete, I just run some errands in the area and come back later.


While my husband watched my son explore every truck on the shelves, I rolled my baby around the store. I had a list of things the kids needed (check out last month’s blog for our spring essentials list). I was able to check a few things off our list during this trip, and of course, I found some adorable things I couldn’t pass up. We also grabbed a bag full of dinosaurs for only $3.49! I shopped for about 45 minutes, and my transaction was completed just in time. They purchased more than half of the stuff we brought in, and I actually left the store with new items AND cash! I’m not sure who was happier — me or my son with his new dinosaur toys!


Another fun thing you can do with your little ones to celebrate Earth Day is making a recycled craft. The weather has been nice here in Texas, so we’ve been able to spend more time outdoors. Today we made binoculars for our nature walks. For this activity, you will need two toilet paper rolls or a towel roll cut in half, paper, crayons, glue, tape, string and a hole punch. The instructions are very simple. I hope you find this diagram helpful!

Blog By: Jenny Nguyen | @jenny8carrots