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First Day of School Clothing Haul

First Day of School Clothing Haul

Posted by Javessa Stanton on Aug 18th 2023

Time is flying! I can't believe that in a few weeks, Rowan will officially be starting his first day of school. With all the mixed emotions as his mama, we are over the moon excited for him and can't wait to see the excitement on his little face. Rowan has always loved playing school at home, so I know he will have a blast getting to meet some new friends and his teacher.

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With all that being said, I needed to get a move on his back-to-school wardrobe, and of course, there is no other place I'd rather go than Once Upon A Child. With school starting in September, I know the weather will start to get colder. So, my goal for this haul was to shop for a wardrobe that is easy to wear during warmer weather and can be transitioned slowly to colder weather. For example, thin sweats, shoes, shirts, jackets and more — and in this haul, I found just what I was looking for.

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In today's back-to-school haul, I found a total of eight items: four shirts, two sweaters, shoes and a cute pair of denim overalls, leaving me with a total of just $50! Plus, every item was in great condition. I'd say that is amazing, considering at the mall you're more likely to pay $50 for only two items. I love how well-organized our Once Upon A Child is too, which always makes our visits a piece of cake.

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At Once Upon A Child, they always make your visit a breeze, and you never walk out empty-handed. Being able to drop off your kids' gently used clothing from previous school years and getting a fresh new school wardrobe for unbelievable prices is a bonus. Each item you purchase is in great condition that you wouldn't even think it was used. Don't forget you can also get cashback with every item you sell, and then you can put it towards the items you need now.

Blog By: Javessa Stanton | @javessastanton